Hotel Central Fort
Hotel Central Fort offers free internet access in the premises.
Thiruvairanikulam Temple is 4 km and Cochin
International Airport is 20 km away from the property. This 2-floored property accommodates
10 well-ventilated
rooms. All Rooms & Suites are well furnished and bath attached. Also Provided
colour T.V. with cable network, Direct dialling telephones Multi cuisine
restaurant,A/c, Bar, A/c Executive Conference room, A/c Banquet Hall, Out
door catering, Birthday party arrangements, family get together, foreign exchange, standby diesel Generator and car parking, wifi etc...
This hotel has a 24-hour front desk and offers travel
assistance. Services
such as medical assistance, security, room
service and laundry are also provided. This hotel is situated in Vazhakulam and provides a suitable
environment for children.